Sierra Canyon Trail - Genoa

We've been wanting to do some more hiking around Genoa for a while now, so we read about some of the trails and decided this one sounded like the kids would be able to handle it. It turned out to be a fun hike and, while not flat, is probably something most little kids could handle. We loved getting a little elevation over Genoa for a great view of the Carson Valley! 
The Sierra Canyon Trail starts starts at the end of Snowshoe Lane in Genoa, but the only public parking is street-side on Centennial Drive so you get to hike an extra 450 feet to get to the trail head. Not a big deal really, what's a couple of extra steps when you're hiking anyways, right?
Once you hit the trail it starts right into switch-backing up the side of the mountain. It's a well engineered trail though, so the climb isn't too strenuous for little legs. The kids were pretty tempted to cut the switch-backs, but it ended up being a good lesson on trial etiquette, erosion, etc and they did well once they understood the expectations. 
 The trail probably not well suited to bikes, at least not for anyone less than VERY experienced. I'd go nuts stressing about someone getting off the track and careening down the mountainside out of control. They aren't technically forbidden on the trail though, so it's up to you.
 Most of the lower part of the trail is only very sparsely shaded. There's the occasional pine tree here and there but not much.  When you get about .4 miles up the trail you finally get some tree cover as the trail moves to parallel the creek. Most of the way though the creek was way down below the trail and not accessible without trespassing on private land.
 At about the half mile mark you come to a small foot bridge across the creek. When we were here the were lots of wildflowers, and wild onions growing all around. If anyone stepped a toe off the trail the smell of onions would come wafting by. It was kind of fun!
 By this point the kids were tired and is getting hot so we headed home. I believe that immediately after this point the trail gets steeper and more difficult so it was probably a good place to turn around anyways.

If you decide to take the kids up this one it might be worth checking out the children's "Trail Treasures" guide put together by the Carson Valley Trails Association. I love the effort this group puts in to making the wilderness accessible to EVERYONE!
Essential Details:
Sierra Canyon Trail
Snowshoe Lane, Genoa Nevada
Trail Treasures Guide
No water/restrooms
Not suitable for bikes/strollers

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