Social Distancing Scavenger Hunt #ccnvrockhunt

Welcome to the Carson City Rock Scavenger Hunt! #ccnvrockhunt

This is one of 9* rocks hidden around town. Each rock bears a clue to the location of the next. Have fun getting to know your city while trying to find them all!
Most of the rocks are hidden within walking distance of downtown, but there are a couple that are a little far for walking. If you are unable to get to the location of the next rock, or can't find it once you're there, send me a message either on social media or through the contact form here on the blog and I'll be happy to help you out!
There's no prize for finding them all, other than getting out of the house and having fun.
I'd love to hear how this went for you. If you gave it a try shoot me a message or leave a comment here about your experience!

Please remember:
-follow all applicable social distancing requirements
-don't remove the rocks from their hiding spot

Happy hunting!

*If you came here after finding one of the rocks around town you may have noticed that this number is different than the note on the back of the rocks said. When it was time to hide the rocks one of the locations was inaccessible due to construction so one of the rocks never made it into the scavenger hunt.


  1. Hello! We have loved the rock hunt. :-) But we are at a standstill at Nevada State Museum and cannot find that one… Or wondering if someone took it? Could you give us another clue to where another rock is at?
    We found Capitol, fox and pub, brewery art
    Thanks so much for doing this it’s been a blast!

  2. I'm sorry, I just saw your comment. I've heard from a couple of people that the rock at the Museum is missing. The next clue is hidden at the library. Happy Hunting!


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