Social Distancing with Kids: Educational Resources and Fun Ways to Keep Busy

Hey there everyone!

At the time of writing this Nevada schools are still planning on opening Monday morning, but I think we all know that it’s just a matter of time until that changes. Some of you have already made the decision to keep your kids home anyways just to be safe. Either way, we could all use some ideas for ways to maintain our sanity during this time of self isolation.

I have been (and will continue) to collect links and visuals that are pertinent to the discussion and will share them here to help you all out. I'll update this post as I come across additional resources and information, so let me know if you've found something great that I don't have here. 

Parental/Student rights for children on IEPs during school closures

I know that my kids all behave SO much better if they know what to expect and don't have to spend too much time sitting around bored. Some boredom is good. Weeks of looking wondering what to do? Not so good. Here is an idea of how to structure your day so you don't all go crazy! (I don't have a source for this image, if it's yours let me know!)

Educational Resources:

The MOST amazing resource for free online educational websites  (Seriously!!! No pretty graphics or fancy fonts, but such GREAT content!)

Link to Science Mom post

Scholastic Learn at Home

Free online art lessons using supplies you have around the house

Thoughts and advice on homeschooling from some moms I respect:

Catholic All Year (good advice no matter what your religion!)
Surprise AZ Mom

A list of virtual field trips!

Entertainment Ideas:


Link to original post for 100+ Indoor Activities

Northern Nevada Moms list of things to do

My old blog with cheap ways to entertain and educate young children (infants-1st grade).

My favorite book series to keep my kids busy

Minute to Win It games for kids

Some Random ideas from Facebook friends:

Make play dough
Color and draw
Bucket and soapy water for a little play toy car wash. Turkey baster needed.
Movies and SO SO many movies
Groom the dog
Driving lessons
Bike riding
Finger paint with chocolate pudding
Go on a picnic
Clean up the yard
Learn a new recipe (this is THE BEST kids cookbook!)
Build a fort and cart the tv inside for movie night
Build a lego castle
Write a story
Paint pictures
Build something with dad
Put on a play
Make instruments
Camping in the backyard - complete with tents and roasted marshmallows
School workbooks
Read a book and write a report
Game night challenges
New computer/game system game
Plant seeds for spring gardens
Prep soil for garden
Bake cookies
Teach them to make yeast breads
Nerf gun battles
Playing in dirt outside in good weather
Put on a family talent show
Pretend to be horses and race by running in circles outside

Need internet at home to take advantage of all these great resources? 
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